Beginner 6-Week Violin Course

Violin & All Equipment Included

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Free Sneak-Peek PDF: Learn How to Hold the Bow

Personalised Online Violin Course

As a graduate of my premium 6-week violin course, you will be armed with the foundational knowledge, skills and equipment to self-direct your own violin learning.

This course has been crafted for those of you who are looking to learn a new skill, to start playing the violin as a hobby, or to incorporate more of the arts into your life.

Life is busy. Learning the violin can be overwhelming, with no shortage of obstacles, questions and time-restraints. A central concept in this highly structured course is that you can rely on my experience and expertise to remove these barriers for you. I will guide your learning through private one-to-one coaching, arrange for the delivery of your violin and equipment, and support you in achieving your goals to set you up for success.

This enables you to focus on building your new skill and enjoying your progress while we provide everything you need – from a personalised practice schedule aligned with your goals and preferences, to your own violin, bow and shoulder rest delivered to your door

Being a premium course, participants are required to commit to their six-week journey.

I welcome you to book a free call with me to discuss the course and see if it might be right for you.

~ Brendan Garde | BMus, MA

Personalised Online Violin Course

As a graduate of my premium 6-week violin course, you will be armed with the foundational knowledge, skills and equipment to self-direct your own violin learning.

This course has been crafted for those of you who are looking to learn a new skill, to start playing the violin as a hobby, or to incorporate more of the arts into your life.

Life is busy. Learning the violin can be overwhelming, with no shortage of obstacles, questions and time-restraints. A central concept in this highly structured course is that you can rely on my experience and expertise to remove these barriers for you. I will guide your learning through private one-to-one coaching, arrange for the delivery of your violin and equipment, and support you in achieving your goals to set you up for success.

This enables you to focus on building your new skill and enjoying your progress while we provide everything you need – from a personalised practice schedule aligned with your goals and preferences, to your own violin, bow and shoulder rest delivered to your door

Being a premium course, participants are required to commit to their six-week journey.

I welcome you to book a free call with me to discuss the course and see if it might be right for you.

~ Brendan Garde | BMus, MA

Beginner 6-Week Online Music Course

Premium Violin Course FAQs

What is the consultation call, and do I have to pay for it?

This is a completely free, no-obligation video or voice call meeting. It is an opportunity for us to meet one another, to ensure you are the right fit for the course and the course is the right fit for you. Should we agree to proceed, we will establish your goal for the course, your availability for online lessons and set a timeline for commencement.

Do I need to own a violin and bow?

No. All courses include a violin, bow, case, shoulder rest, rosin and music stand delivered to you. If you have your own equipment that you wish to use, you may, although this will not change the cost of the course.

Part of the course content includes a lesson on how to tune your violin. In some rare cases, violins can prove difficult to tune. If this were to occur, I would guide you in working with a local violin maker to have the instrument tuned for you.

What happens in the course?

In the first week of the course, you will receive your violin, bow, shoulder rest and music stand. We will set a goal for your course and agree on a structure for your tailored practice schedule that works for your lifestyle and other commitments.

The six-week course will include a variety of online one-to-one lessons in which you will learn fundamental violin playing skills such as bow hold, finger placement and posture. We will dedicate a number of lessons to musicianship and music theory which are key components in any succesful violin player’s learning.

Throughout the course, you will be encouraged to submit a set number of video recordings of your playing that I will give feedback on. This empowers you to further your own progress outside of our one-to-one lessons.

What support do you provide?

In addition to our one-to-one virtual lessons, I will provide personalised feedback on a set number of video recording submissions. I also offer direct email and WhatsApp support where you can ask questions and receive a response within 24 hours.

I will provide you with learning resources on key topics for your own independent learning and you will gain access to social media community forums.

What is the schedule for the virtual lessons?

We recommend the twelve virtual private violin lessons are relatively consistent across the six weeks. Ideally, we would hold two online violin lessons per week. This can be altered should you have prior commitments and need to do more or less in a given week. The schedule can be adapted to fit your personal schedule.

Why learn the violin as an adult?

Many adults learn to play a new musical instrument as a means of becoming more accomplished, introducing an outlet for arts and music into their bustling day-to-day life. Learning the violin as an adult serves those who are seeking a challenge or wish to enhance their cognitive ability. There is a sense of joy that comes from achieving the ability to play this most masterful instrument as it offers a unique avenue for expression. For some people, learning the violin comes from a personal place – perhaps someone you admire used to play. or maybe you’d like  to perform the violin for a loved one as a most special gift.

I already have a violin - can I still do this course?

Yes! Book your free consultation call at the bottom of this page and we can discuss your options if you already own your own violin and other equipment.

Do you offer any other courses?

We offer a Fundamentals Course – this is suitable for both beginners and experienced players. It is a four-week course with no equipment included.

Similarly to this Premium Course, my Fundamentals Course is is tailored to your specific goals and needs, all lessons are live and delivered online, and a personalised practice plan is included in for each student.

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